Nice little run in the Turbo Takedown

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A lot of the time on my blog I talk about the bad beats and suckouts that I experience when playing poker. Having looked at my last blog entry I realised that I rarely blog about any of the wins I have.

Granted, I'm currently a small/micro stakes player, and a 'big' win for me is a usually a first place finish in a $3 or $5 STT, which is usually $13.50 or $22.50. So not huge. But I did realise that last year I won about $800 in a handful of tournements that I played over and above the gains I made in the STT's that I play.

Just over a week ago I had my first 'big' win of this year. It was in the Pokerstar's Turbo Takedown monthly event.

The day before the Turbo Takedown was due to run, I managed to register in a freeroll that was running, thanks to Pokernews UK, that was offering 50 seats to the Turbo Takedown. Managed to win one of these seats and sat down on the Sunday to have a go at my very first Turbo Takedown.

After a couple of early double ups, I managed to reach the money bubble as the chip leader at my table!

I survived a bit past the money bubble and then got moved to a table where I was then a middle stack at the table and then found myself card dead at that point. Got to a point where I was down to about 10BB's and got my money in on a coin flip... which I lost :-(

However I came away from my first ever Turbo Takedown with a 1465th place finish for $120. This was out of a starting field of 18,211 players, so not bad considering I got my seat through a freeroll.